
Qigihar is a major city in the Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China.

Qigihar or Qiqihar is a major city in the Heilongjiang Province, Northeast China. It has 1,500,000 inhabitants. (Find Qigihar on a map).


Qigihar - China

These inhabitants are mainly Han Chinese and the resident minorities are, among others, Manchu, Daur, and Mongolians. Close to Qiqihar are numerous wetlands and the Zhalong Nature Reserve, famous in China for being home to numerous red-crowned cranes. 


Qigihar - China

Equipment manufacturing and food and beverages are the two pillar industries in the city. Animal husbandry is a pillar of Qigihar's agricultural sector. Qiqihar is also a major corn production hub in Heilongjiang Province